Celebration Activities
Celebrations are meant to celebrate life itself. Our forefathers and spiritual masters, across various ethnic communities, came together on special occasions to celebrate and commemorate important life-changing historic and/or religious events in an expressive and deliberate manner. These occasions either mark an important transition in an individual’s life or these are special celestial/cosmic events. Various celebrations have various meanings and significance based on what precisely is being celebrated.
At SFIMAR, various celebrations are held to signify the cultural unity and cosmopolitan nature of the members at the Institute who come from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. The Institute observes important historic events or national significance like Independence Day and Republic Day, and celebrates festivals like Christmas, Onam, and Dandiya. The management, faculty members, staff, and students are all equally enthusiastic in the celebrations that give them an opportunity to express their jovial self with fun and frolic as one community, while allowing them to take a break from the usual academic rigour of a management Institute.